Yukon Territory, Canada
Aben Minerals holds a 100% interest in the 7,400-hectare Justin Gold Project. The property is located in the southeast Yukon on the Tintina Gold Belt to the immediate southeast of Seabridge Gold’s 3 Aces Project. The Justin Project is approximately 35 kilometres southeast of the Cantung Mine and has an all season road running through the claims. Exploration work at the Justin Gold Project began back in 2011 and Aben has been actively working at the site with positive exploration results.
Exploration work at the Justin Gold Project began back in 2011 and Aben has been actively working at the site with positive exploration results. Click to enlarge the map.
Exploration Activity
Work completed on the Justin Gold Project in 2018 included the collection of 19 channel and 28 chip samples from 5 trenches, 16 rock samples, 7 till samples and 240 soil samples with coverage totaling 6.0 line-km. The 2018 field program focused primarily on the Lost Ace Zone, an orogenic-style quartz-gold bearing zone previously discovered in 2017.
Justin Project, Yukon Geochemistry Compilation Map
Channel sampling in 2017 at Lost Ace returned 1.44 g/t Au over 5 metres including 4.77 g/t Au over 1 metre in addition to a bulk soil sample that contained 1135 visible gold grains, the majority of which were termed ‘pristine’ indicating a proximal bedrock source for the gold. Lost Ace is an exciting new prospect on the Justin Property as it is located within 2 km of Aben’s mineralized POW Zone and bears striking similarities to Golden Predators adjacent 3 Aces project.
Gold Grain Sample (click image to enlarge)
2019 exploration at the Justin Gold Project will include drilling, prospecting, geologic mapping and surface sampling across the highly prospective property. The first phase is anticipated to begin in early June with mobilization of a track mounted Rotary Air Blast (RAB) drill to the recently discovered Lost Ace Zone, where 2018 trenching returned values ranging from trace to 20.8 g/t gold over 4.4 meters including 88.2 g/t gold (Au) over 1.0 m. The Lost Ace Zone is located 2 kilometers west of the POW Zone, which was discovered in 2010. The RAB drill is a cost-effective tool to quickly evaluate the high-grade near surface gold-bearing mineralization present at Lost Ace, interpreted to be orogenic-style quartz-gold veins that bear a strong resemblance to and share a similar geologic setting with Golden Predator’s adjacent 3 Aces Property. Geologic evidence and observations at Lost Ace point toward the existence of a multi-phase hydrothermal system with the potential for overprinting mineralizing systems with the POW Zone.
Concurrent with the RAB drilling at Lost Ace, Aben will conduct diamond drilling at the POW Zone where drilling in 2011 and 2012 successfully discovered intrusion-related gold mineralization with intercepts reported ranging from trace values to highs of 1.19 g/t Au over 60.0 m (including 2.47 g/t Au over 21.0 m) and 1.49 g/t Au over 46.4 m. The POW Zone will be further evaluated as a potential host for bulk-tonnage gold mineralization and to test for the continuity of higher-grade skarn mineralization along strike. In addition to drill testing both of these exciting targets, several other high-priority exploration targets that have seen limited work but have yielded encouraging results will receive field evaluation and surface sampling.
Download Justin Gold Presentation
Past Exploration
In 2011, a Phase I 2,020 metre diamond drill program consisting of ten drill holes was completed on the Justin Property. The drill program was designed to assess the potential mineralization at the POW, Confluence, Kangas and Main zones. The drilling was the first ever completed on the POW, Confluence and Kangas zones. The 2011 activities represent the first systematic drilling campaign on the project since a small four hole program was completed on the Main zone in the mid-1980’s.
During the 2011 field program, mapping of the geology in the general area of the POW Zone was carried out to follow up on anomalies from the 2010 geophysical survey. This geophysical survey highlighted a pronounced magnetic high-EM conductor zone 400 metres west of the newly discovered gold mineralization from the 2010 field work and surface sampling. A number of soil and rock samples were also collected to complement the geological mapping. This follow-up work on the POW Zone led crew members to investigate the source of the strong EM geophysical conductor outlined by the airborne survey conducted in 2010. Along the strike of a strong EM lineament, a 10m-wide zone of mineralized quartz breccia was discovered which is considered to be a favourable target for gold and silver mineralization. This resulted in the expansion of the 2011 drill program to include two additional holes designed to test the newly discovered POW Zone.
In November 2011, Aben released the first drill hole results received from the 2011 drill program in which a significant new greenfield gold discovery had been made. The Company intercepted 60.00 metres of 1.19 g/t gold including 21.0 metres of 2.47 g/t gold in hole JN11009 in the never before drilled POW Zone.
Justin Project Plan View of Pow Zone Drilling
The intercept observed in JN11009 starts at a vertical depth of 113 metres and is dominated by massive skarn-style replacement mineralization, which has been overprinted by quartz-calcite stock work veining. Both the skarn-style and vein-style mineralization carried gold values. The geochemical signature of the mineralized zone is characterized by elevated Au, Bi, Cu, Mo and W supporting an Intrusion Related Gold System (IRGS). The 2010 geophysics outline an inferred buried intrusive stock, represented by a pronounced magnetic low, which lies between the POW Zone and the Main Zone located 2.4 kilometres to the south.
A second hole, JN11010, was drilled into the POW Zone which intercepted 11.3 metres of 2.70 g/t gold and 29.00 g/t silver starting at a vertical depth of 125 metres. The mineralized intercept in drill hole JN11010 correlates with the upper zone intercepted in Hole JN11009 of 60 metres of 1.19 g/t Au. Both exploratory holes drilled into the POW Zone in 2011 intercepted significant gold mineralization and this mineralization is open in all directions.